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Devasting Floods and Landslides Affects Millions of People in Pakistan

Devasting Floods and Landslides Affects Millions of People in Pakistan

The monsoon season has produced significant rainfall affecting all four of the country’s provinces and approximately 15% of its population. Although monsoon rains are not new in Pakistan, the frequency and intensity of the rainfall are abnormal and were called “unprecedented” by Pakistan’s Minister for Climate Change.

According to UNICEF the ‘super floods’ triggered by record rainfall have killed over 1,545 people since mid-June, including at least 552 children. Homes and entire communities have been washed away, leaving millions vulnerable to waterborne diseases, malnutrition and protection risks.

WCAworld Foundation has donated USD $40,000 to this cause in partnership withMZW Logistics (Pvt) Ltd. and Pakistan CargoServices, both WCAworld members, to arrange and distribute aid to the thousands of people affected in the most remote areas of Pakistan.

The devastation caused by the current floods is truly epic. Whether it’s due to climate change or just a one-off weather anomaly, the scale of human tragedy is evident to everyone. Which is why WCAworld Foundation wanted to make sure that it does everything in its power to support those in need. One of the pillars of the WCAworld Foundation is that we only work with small local organizations or trusted members. We do not give direct funding to large aid organizations as it is our policy that 100 percent of our funds go directly to the people in need.