WCAworld Foundation | Donate | Help in Need

Who We Are

Who We Are

WCAworld Foundation was formed by The Yokeum Family and WCAworld logistics network, a worldwide association of 10,000+ cargo transportation service providers located in 193 countries. WCAworld, founded in 1998, is the world’s largest and most powerful network of independent cargo agents. The combined logistics might of the WCAworld membership exceeds that of even the world’s largest multinational freight forwarders.

The WCAworld logistics network is essentially a family of tens of thousands of people in virtually every country on Earth. As a family, we band together to help each other and eagerly come to the aid of those in need. Suffering, anywhere in the world, is keenly felt and shared. Over the years, WCAworld members have generously provided desperately-needed assistance when called upon and in WCAworld Foundation, we finally formalize a dedicated platform to better organize these efforts and to optimize the benefit we can bring to those that most need it.